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October 08, 2010

Seven Steps to Avoid Burnout.


The author outlines real world steps to avoid burnout:
1. Plan ahead, avoid overcommitting
2. Separate work and leisure time
3. Set boundaries for expectations from others
4. Keep sharp boundaries between work and play
5. Eliminate "busy work"
6. Create connections to "other realities"
7. Maintain a healthy lifestyle - including exercise.

Comments: The timestamp on this one is going to reveal that I am in gross violation of at least two of these recommendations - but this how I relax and have fun.
Personally, I would probably add a few points:
8. Keep the faith (if you have one). If you believe in God: Know that there are no accidents, no random events and that most events in your life have a purpose - even if you may not be able to realize it for one or five or ten years later (been there!!).
9. In reference to #8: Keep a positive perspective and avoid the trap of continuing to feel like a victim.  Take control of your emotions and reclaim the mastery of your life: Do what you have to do; find Faith, find your source of passion, reinvent yourself in charity, find your destiny - but find something - most importantly something more important than yourself and your current circumstances! 
